Tag: Winter

Growing Tomatoes and Peppers in Winter

Tomatoes and peppers are two of summer’s most-loved foods.  However, winter is…

Regina Anneler Regina Anneler

The Homestead Woodstove

One of my favorite homestead assets is our woodstove.  There is nothing…

Tony Colella Tony Colella

Like Water for… Tomatoes? Year-round Gardening with Hydroponics

Imagine plucking a ripe, round tomato right from the stem and sinking…

Laurie Charpentier Laurie Charpentier

Garden Season Extenders and Cold-Weather Husbandry

It may seem strange to think about cold weather when it is…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

How to Live Off Your Garden All Year Round

If you have been gardening for some time, you know how superior…

Grace Quarer Grace Quarer

How a Farmer Grows Grapes in Alaska

When you think of grapes, warm regions like France may come to…

Samuel Feldman Samuel Feldman

A Cozy Winter Reader: Great Homesteading Books to Curl Up With

On the homestead, spring is a flurry of activity. The garden is…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

Homestead Heating Safety

You’ve made the decision to live a simpler life in the country……

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Homemade Fire Cider to Fight Colds and Flu

Winter is approaching and that means we can look forward to more…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide: Even Rural Residents Need Fear This Invisible Killer

Winter in the country is an amazingly beautiful season. The transformation of…

Dr. Richard Monroe M.D. Dr. Richard Monroe M.D.

Winter Preparedness

Begin You Winter Preparedness Routine So You Can Enjoy the Fun Winter…

Jan R Cooke Jan R Cooke

Preparing for the Holiday Rush on Your Homestead

The time between late October through late December is filled with holidays,…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores