Tag: Save money

Beginning and Ending with Seeds: Starting, Growing, and Saving Seeds

A garden offers some truly great benefits to those who undertake the…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Fiscal Fowl Alignment for the Potential Homesteader

If you’re like me, you’ve spent years wanting out of the rat…

Andrew Mueller Andrew Mueller

Being Cheap is Greener Than Being Green

Recently several people have been asking a lot of questions about my…

Jan R Cooke Jan R Cooke

Been There, Done… What? How to Stop Trying to Make Money

Here’s the thing… we recently discovered we’re very rich.  Right now we…

Laura Negron-Valentin Laura Negron-Valentin

Quit Cleaning Dirty: How to Have a Naturally Clean Home

Part of the decision to homestead is a desire to live a…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

But Eating Healthy is So Darn Expensive… Isn’t it?

Eating healthy is expensive... right? Actually, eating healthy nowadays does not have…

Mallorie Flynn Mallorie Flynn

Coop Considerations: Quick-Start Guide to Building a Chicken Coop

Building a chicken coop, especially from scratch, can be exhilarating and exhausting,…

Chris Lesley Chris Lesley

Lost Kitchen Skills: Zero-waste Cooking with Fats, Scraps, and Dairy

It doesn’t take long for those who get involved in the homestead…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Making Money From Trees on Your Homestead

Most homesteads, even those aiming for very high self-sufficiency, cannot live entirely…

Elizabeth Waddington Elizabeth Waddington

Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part Two: The Machinery

If you haven't yet, read Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part One:…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

How to Make Milk Soap from Scratch

Drowning in milk? Have enough cheese and yogurt to last for more…

Angela Palmer Angela Palmer

Building Community Through Bartering and Trading

Think back to your grandparents, or maybe your great-grandparents and the stories…

Benjamin K Coffman Benjamin K Coffman