Tag: Failure

Tags posts about homesteading failure.

Homesteading Failures – If at First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Worry, No One Else Does Either.

Anyone who claims to succeed without some measure of homesteading failure first…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks

Homestead Besieged!

Modern homesteading is difficult.  Rabbits love tender garden sprouts; every wild thing…

Betty Taylor Betty Taylor

The Beauty in Our Failures

When it comes to gardening, I jumped in feet first. I had…

Caitlin Elicker Caitlin Elicker

Homesteading Blunders

I would assume that most people reading this are either homesteaders or…

Pam Silvis Pam Silvis

8 Homesteading Pitfalls to Avoid While Working on Your Goals

Whether you’ve been living the off-grid lifestyle for some time or are…

Tiffany Morgan Tiffany Morgan