Tag: Home remedies

Homemade Fire Cider to Fight Colds and Flu

Winter is approaching and that means we can look forward to more…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Thistle: The Pretty Pest

     "The thistle is a prince. Let any man that has…

Barbara Bamberger-Scott Barbara Bamberger-Scott

Elder: Heirloom Herb and Source of Elderberry Syrup

The elder is a deciduous shrub of myth, legend, beauty, and usefulness. …

Trendle Ellwood Trendle Ellwood

Herbal Remedies on the Homestead: Tinctures, Teas, Syrups, and Salves

Using Herbal Remedies on the Homestead One of the greatest benefits of…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Grow an Herbal Skincare Garden: 7 Easy-to-Grow Herbs for Naturally Healthy Skin

You grow herbs for culinary uses and maybe herbal remedies, but did…

Angela Palmer Angela Palmer

Essiac Tea: Hope in a Cup

Rene Caisse was a modest, humble, hardworking nurse from Canada when she…

Catherine Lugo Catherine Lugo

Making Oxymels: The Sweet-Tart Medicine

Oxymel... what an odd word.  The etymology of the word actually gives…

Linda Zimnick Linda Zimnick

Beet Kvass: The Miracle of Russia

When considering the wonderful contributions that Russia has made to the culinary…

Micah Janzen Micah Janzen

Medical Folkways in America – Part Two: What’s in Your Bottle?

In Medical Folkways in America – Part One: Maggots, Hairballs, and Eels, we…

Fight Back! Save Money on Prescription Drugs

In 2007, Americans spent five times as much on prescription drugs as…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton