Tag: Holiday

Avocado Egg Salad

Like many kids, Easter was one of my favorite holidays growing up.…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Raise Heritage Turkeys for Holiday Cash

Small-scale turkey farming is an excellent income source for homesteaders.  They have…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Celebrate a Buy-Nothing Christmas

It always surprises me how quickly we are encouraged to move from…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Detox Cabbage Soup

Well, I don’t know about you all, but I am fully holidayed…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Homestead Gift-giving Guide: The Best Gifts for Homesteaders

I remember at least one of my Christmas gifts from 1970.  I…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

DIY Winter Skincare

Winter is upon us and while we may be glad to get…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Pumpkin Palooza 2: Five Sweet & Savory Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkin season is here and while many consider pumpkins a necessary part…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Giving Back To Your Community

By the time we get through Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Mom’s Pumpkin Bread

This week, I’ve decided, out of the kindness of my little heart,…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Decorating with Mother Nature

The holidays are almost here and one of my favorite things to…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Cranberry Waldorf Salad

Great-Grandma’s divinity;  Aunt Trudy’s creamy corn casserole; Cousin Delbert’s homemade eggnog… without…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Sweet & Spicy Nut Mix

Well, friends, summer is long gone, and party and holiday season is upon…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton