Tag: Foraging

New-fangled Neolithic: Embrace Your Inner Hunter-Gatherer

"The Neolithic Revolution, Neolithic Demographic Transition, or Agricultural Revolution, was the wide-scale…

May Woodworth May Woodworth

Bramble Blood

There was a time in my life when from spring to September,…

Trendle Ellwood Trendle Ellwood

Beginning and Ending with Seeds: Starting, Growing, and Saving Seeds

A garden offers some truly great benefits to those who undertake the…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Tips from an Established Forest Garden

Starting a forest garden on your homestead is one of the best…

Elizabeth Waddington Elizabeth Waddington

Homesteading in the Backwoods

There is a common misconception we come across when talking to non-homesteaders…

Kate Marlowe Kate Marlowe

Making Oxymels: The Sweet-Tart Medicine

Oxymel... what an odd word.  The etymology of the word actually gives…

Linda Zimnick Linda Zimnick

How to Grow a Food Forest in Five Years

In times of uncertainty such as these, becoming as self-sufficient as you…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Utilizing Trees on the Homestead: Crafts to Cure-alls

  When you become a homesteader, you notice how much nature is…

Isabella Fisher Isabella Fisher

Helpful Homesteading Apps

  Of all the names people call homesteaders—come on, you know we…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Against the Grain: The Paleolithic Diet

  I always believed a variety of natural, wholesome foods is pretty…

Bonnie Lavigne Bonnie Lavigne