Transitioning from City Life to Homestead Life: 4 Essential Steps

Jennifer Bell
11 Min Read

Are you looking for your next adventure? Are you in need of something new and exciting? It may be worth your while to think about transitioning to a homestead lifestyle. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life—especially in the city, it’s common for people to feel emotions of anxiety, stress, and even depression. With these intense emotions, it’s hard for people to live their lives the way that they want to and get the best quality out of it.

What does transitioning to homestead life mean? Well, it’s different for everyone; some people will want to homestead more/longer than others and some will work harder to make this transition than others. However, overall, transitioning to homestead life generally means to abandon the standard, 21st century way of living. Homestead living means living for yourself in the way that you want, going against modern society’s ideals.

More and more people are choosing to live a homestead lifestyle. There are many possible reasons for this, perhaps the demands of nine-to-five jobs, or the pressure of the digital age. No matter the reason, going homestead is an important transition for some people to make, and it’s important to know how to do it correctly. Here are 4 essential steps to help you transition from city life to a homestead life.

How Can I Begin Transitioning to a Homestead Lifestyle?

If you are thinking about transitioning to a homestead lifestyle, in order to do it successfully, there are some things you should know and take into consideration. Switching to this sort of lifestyle isn’t easy, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be difficult, either. Here are some tips on how to make the switch to a homestead lifestyle.

1. Ditch Social Media and Technology

Social media and technology are some of the most important things to get rid of as you make the transition to a homestead lifestyle. Social media and modern-day technology are impacting the lives of many for the worse; in fact, for many social media and technology may be the reason that one needs to go off the grid.

Delete your social media accounts altogether and get rid of your cell phone and other devices. Or downgrade to a cell phone that is only used for emergencies and is only on for a certain amount of time a day. Without the constant feeling of the need to post on social media, you will be able to transition to your new lifestyle much easier. Likewise, you won’t feel the pressure of having to constantly connect and interact with people on your various devices. You will have time to focus on yourself and what you need for your personal growth.

Think About What You are Going to Do in Your Free Time

As you ditch social media and technology, start thinking of things you can do to entertain yourself instead of scrolling on your phone or other devices. Some easy ways to entertain yourself in your new lifestyle include:

  • Read books you haven’t made the time for.
  • Learn a new skill such as another language, yoga, or even a craft via books or from another person.
  • Perfect a skill you have been working on, such as learning how to play an instrument.
  • Pick up a new hobby like running, sewing, biking, meditating, or cooking.
  • Start journaling.

2. Figure Out Your Living Situation

Before going off the grid, think about where you are going to live.  As stated before, switching to a homestead lifestyle means many different things for people. For example, some people may want to just get rid of their online presence, while others may want to relocate to a remote location. Ask yourself, “what do I want my living situation to be like?” Do you want to simply move from the city to the suburbs or the country? Or are you looking to move into a van or a trailer and drive cross-country? Think about where you see yourself living in your new lifestyle and take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Think About Money

As you think about your living situation, you must think about the cost of living as well as what you are going to do for money. Some homestead situations will require more money than others, for example, if you choose to live in a small cabin, though you will be homesteading, you will probably still need to pay to live there (unless of course, you buy rural land and build it yourself.).

Don’t be naive, even if you are living on a homestead you will still need some money, especially in case of an emergency. This is especially true for people that go homestead and leave their nine-to-five jobs. Make sure you consider how you will have money, whether that means saving for months before you switch to a homestead-based lifestyle or selling things you make after your transition. Be proactive and plan your finances so you can enjoy your homestead life.

If you are thinking about transitioning to a homestead lifestyle there are some things you should know and take into consideration. Transitioning from City Life to Homestead Life switch to a homestead lifestyle homesteading

Think About Food

Similar to thinking about money, make sure you think about what and where you are going to eat. Are you going to live off the land, or are you still going to rely on the supermarket? If you plan to live off the land, plan what you are going to grow ahead of time, and be sure to have backup sources of food in case your growth doesn’t go as planned.

If you are planning to rely on supermarkets, be sure that you plan on how much you are going to spend a week and what you will be getting.

3. Decide What is Essential and What Isn’t

Like ditching social media and technology, it will be worth your while to ditch things in your life that are not essential for your new homesteading life. You need to decide what is essential in your life and get rid of some things that aren’t, perhaps donate or sell them. Essential items will help you see your true values in life.

As you go through your items to decide what is essential for homesteaders and what isn’t, you will also be decluttering which can lead to a more clear and happier mindset. Decluttering will free up both physical and mental space. Below is a short guide to help you see what is essential and worth keeping as you make your transition, and what is not.

Essential Items to Keep for Your Homestead Lifestyle
  • Basic pieces of clothing; a few pairs of practical shoes, a small variety of pants and shirts, 1-2 jackets, etc.
  • Pieces of furniture that hold sentimental value.
  • Books and puzzles/other simple forms of entertainment.
  • Grooming products.
  • Grooming tools.
  • Recycled jars/glass bottles for storage.
  • Pictures and photos.
  • A selection of dishes and utensils.
  • Journals.
Non-Essential Items to Get Rid of When You Go
  • Excess clothing and accessories.
  • Electronics and TVs.
  • Kitchen appliances.
  • Home decor/large pieces of furniture.
  • Excess storage bins and containers.
  • Makeup.
  • Plastic containers.

If you are thinking about transitioning to a homestead lifestyle there are some things you should know and take into consideration. Transitioning from City Life to Homestead Life switch to a homestead lifestyle homesteading

4. Try to Make Eco-Friendly Choices

Finally, as you make your transition to a homestead lifestyle, try to do so in an eco-friendly way. Try to make all choices with the environment in mind, so that as you better yourself, you aren’t hurting anything else. To truly switch to a homestead way of life, one should live off of natural resources as much as possible. Some eco-friendly choices to consider for your transition include:

  • LED light bulbs.
  • Solar energy.
  • Create a compost pile.
  • Stop using plastic products and switch to paper.
  • Recycle containers.
  • Eat vegan.
  • Conserve as much water as possible.
  • Utilize refillable water bottles.
  • Monitor your waste.
  • Repurpose items instead of replacing.

Do your best to always consider the environment while you switch to your new way of life, especially if your new way of life involves you living off the land or in a rural part of the environment. Be sure to not leave trash around and make it a point to not exploit the environment and its resources. In order to fully enjoy your new peaceful environment, you must do your best to take care of it.

Make Your Transition as Smooth as Possible

No matter the reason that you are making the switch to a homestead lifestyle, be sure to keep some of the tips listed above in mind. Considering pointers such as these will help you make the transition as smooth as possible and will allow you to enjoy your new way of life in a relaxed way. Be sure to plan your transition and continue to do further research so that you have everything taken care of; and most importantly, enjoy!

About the Author: Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.  She often writes for All American, a plumber in Voorhees, New Jersey.

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  • Yeah, you lost me at the first part.

    There is no reason to completely abandon these technological tools. A better path is to figure out how to use them in a healthier way. I am a freelance writer who has gotten writing clients and book deals from contacts on Instagram. While I recognize that I need to moderate my use of it for entertainment, it is a way for me to connect in a real way to people I might not know otherwise.

    Modern homesteading doesn’t mean becoming a Luddite. It’s a shame you lead this article with it — I imagine many might stop reading.

  • I agree with the previous commentor. I have been homesteading for decades and this article describes almost nothing of my homesteading lifestyle.
    Perhaps you could have phrased it as one of many ways or paths of homesteading?
    I am a modern homesteader and I use technology daily to connect with other homesteaders, to network and share our experiences together. We teach each other too using technology.
    I also grow some my own food, mend my clothes, can, dry, freeze and ferment my food.
    Hopefully others will realize there are many ways to homestead. It is a lifestyle mindset that everyone pursues using different techniques and skills.

    Best to you in your future endeavors homesteading.

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