
Homesteading articles about Poultry pertaining to homesteaders, farming, animal husbandry, gardening, history, and myriad other topics discussed at Homestead.org, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Poultry News

Half-Caff Country: A Chicken Comedy

Half-caff.  You coffee drinkers know the term.  It’s not quite the "real"…

T. Zoe Kimmel T. Zoe Kimmel

The Secret of Inpangela: Guinea Fowl are Strong Magic for Your Homestead

The Secret Magic of Inpangela Man does not live by egg alone.…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Show, Sport, or Squab: Choosing a Pigeon Breed for the Homestead

  Hopefully after reading my previous article, Pigeon Preliminaries, you’ve been prompted to…

Armani Tavares Armani Tavares

Pigeon Preliminaries: Getting to Know the Magnificent Rock Pigeon

  Raising Rock Pigeons With this article, I hope to promote the…

Armani Tavares Armani Tavares