Prepping & Safety

Homesteading articles about Prepping & Safety as they pertain to homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Prepping & Safety News

Emergency Food Storage

As a homesteader and a prepper, I believe in having stored food.…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

The Deadliest Homesteading Mistake

They came from the city. They were prepared. They were prepared for…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Stocking the Winter Larder

If you’re like me, the shorter days and cooler temps bring on…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Herbal Medicines for Fall and Winter

By now you have probably harvested and preserved your summer produce for…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Homesteader’s Guide to Emergency Childbirth

I’d like to talk to you about how to handle an emergency…

Magdalena Alvarez Magdalena Alvarez

First Aid on the Homestead: When Humans Get Hurt

If you’re a homesteader or you have homesteading friends or family, you’ll…

Rebecca Hallock Rebecca Hallock

Darkness Tomorrow: No Electricity for A Year

"Honey, did you pay the electric bill?" "Yes, I paid it." "Then…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Adam vs. the Post Pounder

As far as I can tell, the blame lies squarely with Prince…

Sue Dick Sue Dick

Canning Consternation: Overcoming the Fear of Certain Death

As a self-proclaimed Homesteader, I have spent many years learning and researching…

Caitlin Elicker Caitlin Elicker

Create a Future-Proof Homestead: Planning for Climate and Cultural Changes

Tooting My Own Horn (Briefly). At the beginning of 2020, I predicted…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

How to Live Off Your Garden All Year Round

If you have been gardening for some time, you know how superior…

Grace Quarer Grace Quarer

Peter Piper Picked a Peck: DIY Pickles on the Homestead

Homesteaders are accustomed to spending time at home and taking on projects…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores