Kids & Family

Homesteading articles for Families pertaining to homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Kids & Family News

Homesteading Saved My Marriage

“There's no way this car will make it the rest of the…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Making a Life, Not a Living: A Single Parent’s Journey

I couldn't say the exact date I started single-parent homesteading since it…

Mariann Foster Mariann Foster

New-fangled Neolithic: Embrace Your Inner Hunter-Gatherer

"The Neolithic Revolution, Neolithic Demographic Transition, or Agricultural Revolution, was the wide-scale…

May Woodworth May Woodworth

Clan Living: The Multi-Generational Homestead

My 20-year-old daughter called at 8:00 pm on a 95-degree Texas Sunday…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

From the Horse’s Mouth: Anecdotes from Homeschooling on the Homestead

“Sold!” the auctioneer shouted, and I excitedly watched with my dad as…

Elizabeth Ledford Elizabeth Ledford

FarmHer Genes: Is Homesteading in your DNA?

I always felt different than my sisters.  We were all born in…

May Woodworth May Woodworth

City to Mountain: First Steps into Homesteading in the Philippines

I am 42 years old, female, a native of the Philippines in…

Kelly Ramos Kelly Ramos

Using a Midwife: The Ultimate Do-It-Yourself Project

***Warning: this article contains some explicit references to childbirth.  If you are…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

Two Parents, a Kid, and One Tiny Cabin

“Yeah that Laura Ingalls Wilder, her sisters and their parents all living…

Martina Kuhnert Martina Kuhnert

Back to Homeschool: Starting off on the Right Path

Children and teens everywhere are getting ready to go back to school.…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores