
Homesteading Gardening articles collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Gardening News

Reading the Weather

The ability to read the weather is a valuable skill practiced by…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Vegetable Gardening: Your Next Step to Self-Sufficiency

You've made the big decision to cut bait and leave the rat…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Beginning and Ending with Seeds: Starting, Growing, and Saving Seeds

A garden offers some truly great benefits to those who undertake the…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

French Intensive Gardening: Optimizing Your Output

If you are searching for a way to dramatically increase your harvest…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Tips from an Established Forest Garden

Starting a forest garden on your homestead is one of the best…

Elizabeth Waddington Elizabeth Waddington

Garden Therapy: Getting in Touch with Your Roots

My introduction to gardening began with time spent in my grandfather’s garden.…

Laurie Charpentier Laurie Charpentier

Turn a Spare Room Into a Grow Room: Produce Year-round Produce

It’s that time again. The weather is turning cold, telling us it…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Managing Invasive Plant Species on the Homestead

Invasive plant species anywhere on the homestead are a problem for the…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

How to Grow a Food Forest in Five Years

In times of uncertainty such as these, becoming as self-sufficient as you…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Naked Gardening Exposed!

By now you’ve probably seen the Internet hoopla for World Naked Gardening…

Growing Red Wine Cap Mushrooms on the Homestead

Homesteaders are constantly trying to find a new product they can produce…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Seeds of Control: OMG it’s GMO!

The signs of spring have arrived, even in the frozen north.  I’ve…

T. Zoe Kimmel T. Zoe Kimmel