
Homesteading Gardening articles collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Gardening News

Elder: Heirloom Herb and Source of Elderberry Syrup

The elder is a deciduous shrub of myth, legend, beauty, and usefulness. …

Trendle Ellwood Trendle Ellwood

Keeping Skunks at Bay

Anyone old enough to remember the classic Looney Tunes cartoons is familiar…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Aquaponics: Why It’s the Best Gardening Method for Homesteading

Even if you don’t have a large amount of land available, you…

Andrew Vergeer Andrew Vergeer

Cannabis 101

Introduction to Cannabis Cannabis hasn’t always been a controversial substance. In fact,…

Kimi Ceridon Kimi Ceridon

Modern Practices to Maximize Your Growing Efforts on the Homestead

Growing food at home doesn’t have to be as hard as it…

Nicole McCray Nicole McCray

Bramble Blood

There was a time in my life when from spring to September,…

Trendle Ellwood Trendle Ellwood

Five Fun Farmer’s Market Products: Draw Interest to Your Table

Participating in a farmer's market is a great income opportunity that allows…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Pros and Cons of Owning a Rain Barrel on the Homestead

Water is more than just a basic need; it is an essential…

Kristen Chapple Kristen Chapple

Top Ten Wild Birds for Controlling Insects in the Garden

Destructive insects munching away on your garden plants can quickly wreak havoc…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Pint-size Plow-horses

I climb on the seat and ease in the clutch pedal.  Then…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

The Praying Mantis: A Gardener’s Friend

The warmth of spring brings out the start of the gardening season…

Dori Fritzinger Dori Fritzinger

The $8.16 Do-It-Yourself Garden Irrigator

Our half-acre lot in the ’burbs is shaded by nine mature silver…

Bruce Andis Bruce Andis