Jenny Flores

83 Articles

Preserving the Harvest: Food Preservation Techniques

Summer gardens are being harvested and it is only natural that we…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Building a Backyard Habitat: Coexist with the Critters

Creating a backyard habitat is a fun, easy, and educational project in…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Herbal Remedies on the Homestead: Tinctures, Teas, Syrups, and Salves

Using Herbal Remedies on the Homestead One of the greatest benefits of…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Five Fun Farmer’s Market Products: Draw Interest to Your Table

Participating in a farmer's market is a great income opportunity that allows…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

A Natural, Non-toxic Clean for Your Whole Homestead

When guests begin making their way to my humble home, I start…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Time to Tincture

Growing herbs seems to be a feast-or-famine venture. Spring and summer are…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Reading the Weather

The ability to read the weather is a valuable skill practiced by…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Beginning and Ending with Seeds: Starting, Growing, and Saving Seeds

A garden offers some truly great benefits to those who undertake the…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

French Intensive Gardening: Optimizing Your Output

If you are searching for a way to dramatically increase your harvest…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Quit Cleaning Dirty: How to Have a Naturally Clean Home

Part of the decision to homestead is a desire to live a…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Lost Kitchen Skills: Zero-waste Cooking with Fats, Scraps, and Dairy

It doesn’t take long for those who get involved in the homestead…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Turn a Spare Room Into a Grow Room: Produce Year-round Produce

It’s that time again. The weather is turning cold, telling us it…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores